Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Website Backup

We manage our website through FTP. I wrote a script using Perl to back up the site every day. This allows me to "undo" changes by going back to older versions of a file.

I realize that this could be written in pure Perl, without relying on wget, but why reinvent the wheel?

use warnings;

$datedir=`date +%F`;
chomp $datedir;
$credentials="/root/ftp.txt"; #text file, one line: username:password

mkdir ("$rootdir", 0755) unless (-d "$rootdir");

open (UPASS, $credentials) or die;
$creds = <UPASS>;
close (UPASS);

($username,$password) = split (/:/,$creds);

$username=~s/\s+//; #strip whitespace characters - just in case


$result=`wget ftp://$ftpsite/Web --user=$username --password=$password -nH -m --cut-dirs=1`;

open (LOGFILE,"> backup.log");
print LOGFILE "$result";
close (LOGFILE);

Monday, July 30, 2007

Automatic Picture Sorting

I have an IP camera which FTPs pictures up to my server whenever it detects motion. In order to keep the pictures organized, I wrote this script to automatically sort the pictures into folders based on date.

The pictures have randomly generated names starting with "video" such as "videotrg0494333888.jpg" so I use a regex to match the string "video" and move all files which match into a subdirectory which is formatted YEAR-MM-DD

I have cron run this script every 5 minutes.


use warnings;
use File::Copy;

$datedir=`date +%F`;
chomp $datedir;

mkdir ("$rootdir/$datedir", 0755) unless (-d "$rootdir/$datedir");

opendir(CAMERA, "$rootdir");
while (defined ($picture = readdir(CAMERA))) {
if ($picture=~/video/) {

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Windows XP Reboots on Shutdown

The system was an Intel, based on the MSI 945GM4 motherboard.

When told to "Shut Down" from either explorer or the login window, it would immediately reboot. This would happen even when "restart on system failure" option was disabled.

I disabled all of the "wake on" settings, including PCI devices. Nonetheless, the problem persisted.

Removing the PCI modem solved the problem.

It was a Creative Modem Blaster Di3635-1/5655

Since the client doesn't use dial up any more, we left it out.