Monday, July 30, 2007

Automatic Picture Sorting

I have an IP camera which FTPs pictures up to my server whenever it detects motion. In order to keep the pictures organized, I wrote this script to automatically sort the pictures into folders based on date.

The pictures have randomly generated names starting with "video" such as "videotrg0494333888.jpg" so I use a regex to match the string "video" and move all files which match into a subdirectory which is formatted YEAR-MM-DD

I have cron run this script every 5 minutes.


use warnings;
use File::Copy;

$datedir=`date +%F`;
chomp $datedir;

mkdir ("$rootdir/$datedir", 0755) unless (-d "$rootdir/$datedir");

opendir(CAMERA, "$rootdir");
while (defined ($picture = readdir(CAMERA))) {
if ($picture=~/video/) {

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